Friday, April 07, 2006


to the anonymous commenters-its salesianum. everyone is a bitch. the place is a breeding ground for fake shit talking pricks. you both are likely some of them. if you want to take shit up with me, how about you take the upper hand and NOT be a pussy by trying to start something. we'll fucking go, i don't care. i will fight you if you are game, and you know what i will lose, but it'll be worth it and it won't be the last. fatty? come on now we all know im not overtly large. if you are who i think you are take a look at your faggot friend chris kobus. he is fat. and a prick. i dont know, yeah i talk alot of shit and that is what i do and if you take issue with it take it up with ME not my blog. goddammit i dont even want friends at that hellhole anyway, youre all phonies. fuck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im so glad we're friends. If we weren't, you'd probably drive me to the point where I would kill myself.

Haha spread the hate
