Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween was amazing

for no reason in particular, just that i love it. i'm not into the supernatural or the escapist aspects. just the fact that it's there and, despite it being the reason for a whole industry, is still really really pure. it makes me feel good about living. my original idea was to be les stroud (survivorman) but it kind of just warped into "what are you supposed to be?" "holding onto my youth!" i was carrying around a teddy bear and my blanket, wearing a flannel shirt and a green knit wool cap. that's what halloween and my whole life is pretty much about: holding onto youth for as long as my greasy fingers can.

and let's not forget that episode of dawson's creek where they go over to that haunted island where they killed the witches to make a documentary...

i hope everyone got a good haul...unless you're fucking soulless and didn't go out!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

So here's my fantasy...

Okay, this is the life I wish I was leading. Because I know you want to know, right? That's what the internet is for, am I wrong?

I'm a junior in high school again, except it's 1995. I live in a town not unlike Capeside (you know, Dawson's Creek.) Otherwise, things are kind of the same. Most of the people I know are there, they're the people they'd be if it were 1995. Also, I wouldn't be going to an all boys private school in Delaware. Maybe an all boys private school, but in PA, and everyone wears uniform blazers just like the ones in Rushmore. But I'd prefer it if I were at public school. So yeah, fuck the private school idea, I go to the public school in Capeside Square with all my acquaintances, 1995 edition. We all love Weezer, Pavement, Pearl Jam, that dog., grieve over Kurt Cobain, watch My So Called Life and classic Nickelodeon (The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Hey Dude, Salute Your Shorts,) and actually, I have tickets to see Polaris next week at the venue just in town. It's a coffeehouse/record store type place (Mickey's anyone?) that does open mic-nights and shows for touring bands. Homework doesn't exist and all my friends live nearby, so we hang out constantly, playing music in our garages, drinking in fields on the weekends, in our secret spot in the woods with the couch, the ancient car and the busted T.V. set. No one has a computer. Cell phones aren't even for the rich kids. Our football team actually wins, it's taboo and unfashionable to be gay and nobody dies.

And oh yeah, I have a cool on again off again girlfriend who looks exactly like Katie Holmes.

p.s. this evening i carved pumpkins and it was fucking awesome. same goes for tomorrow evening. tuesday evening i'm making pumpkin pie from scratch. everything. just the thought gets me wet...haha. cannot wait to trick or treat, survivorman or pete doherty? absolute youth. i'm not sure how to add music but please listen to polaris-waiting for october. adios.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Friday, 10/26 2007, Hating it

Mimi and I started writing songs again as T.V. Dinner. It is a rock band. It is better than your band, that band and all metalcore. But it's not as good as Wire or Green Day...hope to get there by next week. Shows soon, too. Hopefully with this fucker!

I saw
the Darjeeling Limited tonight. Different than I thought it would be but just as great as I had hoped. Mmm, character development...Adrien Brody was awesome and i love his nose.

Taylor hates me and wants her pottery back. I guess it's over for good. I feel kind of weird about the whole thing...I tried to take it slow (the break up), keep it clean. Now, it's a fucking mess smeared with guilt, dis-fulfillment, scents forever lost in the dunes of emotion. Wow, deep.

Are you thirsty? Get a glass of water.

Guerrilla recycling initiative, can you say yeah? Trash bags next week.

Darjeeling Limited was just what I needed.

After this, I'm going back to looking at pictures I wish I was in, from a life that I hope one day to play a huge part. You know who I mean.

Seeya, drive safe. There are wet leaves on the ground!


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Get Yr Strings Away

I will not be tied down. Right now, it's about building friendly relationships. The last thing I want to do is live out the rest of my senior year, the last year I have with my true friends (the few from sallies, the several from KHS (a.k.a. paradiso)), naively attached to some girl I'm convinced I'm in love with. I have better things to do like daydream about Belle and Sebastian lyrics and album covers, doodle, read, drive around with people I love, eat ice cream, save my motherfucking money, work my job which is like a second family, obsess over music, try and start a band that is the opposite of shitty Myself My Fucking Enemy, watch late-90s teen movies and television (She's All That, Dawson's Creek, Sabrina the Teenage Witch,) read the fucking paper, meet new youthful celibate females, have engaging conversations with people like Mimi Dunna Kelly Robert, listen to wonderful new bands...these things are more beautiful than any girl who will put my weird dick into her pretty mouth. Ugh.

I'm done with women. For now.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I saw Spoon tonight. It was pretty perfect on a few levels, though I wish they had played less from Gimme Fiction, an album I'm not that familiar with (that's not to say it's bad, I just never got into it.) Britt Daniel and crew are awesome-everything between Britt, Jim Eno, Rob Pope and Eric Harvey clicks. It seems like their only function is to be a good band. Each one of their records is flawless. Their live show is tighter than a virgin. They look cool, they're not too young, they dress sharp, their album covers are neat as fuck, their lyrics are mysterious and hard to understand... Fucking cool. They function as a true group should. During songs, they talk to each other, about what I don't know, nod in agreement, harmonize, play instruments. Whatever. I'm just really glad I saw them, over the last year they've fought their way into my top five favorite bands. Actually there's lots of newcomers there, so that's a perfect segue:

Desert Island Top Five Favorite Bands
1. Pearl Jam
2. Against Me!
3. Interpol
4. Spoon
5. Blur

in other news, fuck metalcore.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fucking Thursday

This week has been too long. Everything has been way too long lately. I'm ever pulling myself out of pits. Deep and dark ones that drip water and eventually drive you insane.

So there's this girl and for some reason I can only talk to her five minutes at a time every two or so days. I used to talk to her daily, fucking HOURLY. Now it's like, I don't know. That's just the last voice I feel like hearing. I feel bad because she's always expecting a call from me and is always excited when I finally do, then I just have to fucking hang up.

I just hang up with her and my eyes are just bulging. I don't even understand it, these are completely involuntary reactions. Psychologically, her voice to me is an irritating, depressed whine not unlike that of a divorced mother of two graduates surrounded by cats. Imagine that.

So those pits are this funk, this heavy fog that is hanging over me. Funny enough, it's been really foggy around here lately. Some of my few solaces are in reading historical shit, hanging out at work and getting driven around by my friend Frank.


p.s. in rainbows rocks.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Oh the Sunday sleep

Looking forward to bed after a long soulsucking weekend.

One moment that sticks out happened yesterday afternoon at the luncheon. Mrs. Boxler looked ill and her age. She just took my hand and told me that she loved my name, that she thought it was strong.

Anyway. I never thought I'd be running out of a three day weekend to the the finish-line at my desk in A.P. Euro.

Let's get cultural. I really like Tokyo Police Club. They get some undeserved and unnecessary comparisons to the Strokes. TPC, though, have these senses of paranoia and youthfulness unhindered by coke-addled tours with British counterparts (the Kooks? anyone?).
Here's their video:

What's Hot:
Viruses on my computer thanks to a fake Darjeeling Limited torrent
Wes Anderson (and anything else to distract)
Maybe picking up my guitar again
Finding it impossible to develop a soundtrack to the last five days.

Friday, October 05, 2007


Tonight felt unreal. I hate it. I hate seeing good people so outside of themselves
I got my haircut. I like it. That's all I have going for me until Sunday afternoon. :\

Thursday, October 04, 2007

This Blog has Been Ressurected and will Shine in New Light

Popular Culture of Note:
Radiohead is releasing a new album, In Rainbows, next Wednesday. I really hope you already knew that.

The Darjeeling Limited, that new Wes Anderson movie I'm fucking dying to see, is more like The Darjeeling Limited Motherfucking Release. According to Fandango, et al., it's not playing anywhere within 40 miles of Philadelphia. Deeply saddening and now I'm stuck with the 12 minute teaser/prequel/bit of genius.

Plenty of shows in Philadelphia to look forward to and, hot damn!, they're mostly on weekends. Spoon (10/19,) The Go! Team (1o/26,) the Thermals (11/2,) Against Me! (11/16) etc.

Someone great is gone and I have never felt so different before. And I'm overeating.
School sucks.
I'm doing this for lack of ambition to write for the fascist school paper.

Hot List:
Daft Punk
Pearl Jam-Riot Act
Radiohead-Hail to the Thief
the New York Times
the Children of Men
New books?
looking ahead
School Dances.