Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Dis of the DAY

so today, it seems the putdown of the day was ugly.

jeremy: *asian laugh* [pissed off dialogue ensues]
reid and i:*imitating said laugh*
me:*continuing laugh*
that kid who sits next to tyler lavenburg: "would you shut the fuck up, you're like the ugliest kid i have ever seen!".
reid and i:*various commentary on how stupid that was*


abe [to reid]:will you shut the fuck up?
reid:you shut the fuck up mormon
abe:shut up youre like the ugliest kid in the school

kids kids, why would you call someone ugly. is this sixth grade? are we girls? no we're students of salesianum meaning we are at least freshman and considering its all guys, well. and also if youre so scared of being gay and judging someone's looks, then why call someone ugly? it makes no sense.

anyway tyler lavenburg and his friend are real losers. tyler listens to strictly crappy jambands (not phish and string cheese incident) and his friend drives to jersey to see the ataris. whatever.

im marveling at the sheer brevity that yankee hotel foxtrot, the wilco OPUS of OPUSES every morning on the bus ride to school.

f-f-f-f-farewell and stuff


mEEnoo. said...

Yay yer link works!

o0o boi who got called ugly?


Anonymous said...

hahahah this was great

Anonymous said...

hey man, it's andi, and i was just thinking about that time in sixth grade when i liked the ataris and you had like a seizure calling me a pansy on the phone.
oh man i miss those days.
later dayz dude.

Anonymous said...

That was "lol x 5" and was probably rofl or lmfao
- Travis