Sunday, November 06, 2005

Such a shame!

today was my last day working at facistsource, which is excellent.

this morning, as i was waking up, came on this commercial for that new febreze thing. it depicts this woman who works in a candle shop. shes all like i love scented candles for my house! but with my dogs, kids, etc. theyre not the best! so i use this new febreze thing with time release scent discs.

thats killing integrity. this candle shop woman has sold out to the enemy. fake scents. isnt she supposed to be a candle conniseur? shes selling out to the anitchrist of candles. this makes no sense to me whatsoever.

last night, freud demo? telephone? huh.
new books, whoring myself out for a spot in a battle of the bands.

thats all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


gawd, blog spam. how weird.