Friday, February 24, 2006

I Can Feel My Legs Growing

today i did battle in windowless rooms with teenage robots in the high school bloodbath known simply as mock trial. our team was unprepared to say the least but we went down swinging.

my hopes were quickly dashed of sexually charged, intellectual, teenage girls playing lawyers when we walked into the room and found a not so ramshackle team of students. they consisted of:
  • Fem-Nazi superbot-Obviously their leader, sported glasses and incredibly tight pulled back hair. Very un-sexy.
  • Girlbot-Mildly appeared to have downs syndrome. She made the opening statements and slayed my simple, cut the fucking crap approach with an attack from all sides which included alliteration and repetition of points (that were seemingly idiotic)
  • Minoritybot-Simply put, she was African-American, which was of no trouble to me or anything. She had braces, probably trying to make her appear more like a normal teenage girl. She fought viciously with an onslaught of perfect objections that I simply did not understand. Therefore, I got pwned.
  • Minoritybot (male)-Played the part of defense witness Kinsley Williams. Superb acting. I got absolutely nothing past him in my cross examination. Not that I expected to, I only came up with the questions like 10 minutes before. Fuck.
  • Loren Albert-Seemed autistic and unarticulate, at first. But once questions were asked, the kid fired back with wit and segues and long long long side stories that held no relevance. We were hopeless. We did not object. There was one feeble attempt at interupting him, of course being caught by the judge. This attempt was later praised by the very attractive scoring judge. I loved the way she talked
  • Pat Clifford-This was going to be the kid that sucked! Long hair, t-shirt. No, he wasn't. He ruled. Putting on the full guise of compu-nerd. I was so dissapointed. He seemed a ray of light! A fellow slacker! My hopes were simply dashed.
So I wrote them a message. Not to be passed onto them (The Friends School A-Team. WTF?!?!?!?! how could they possibly have been so good. Must have been robots.)
here it is:

oh nevermind, I can't find it. fuck. well you get the gist of it. i had a long day and I can feel my legs grow. I am not looking forward to tomorrow.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe you have Restless leg syndrom.because it kind of feels like that. remind me of justin cobb