Sunday, February 26, 2006


for all of those who chose to watch such shows as "dancing with the stars" and "american idol" over the olympics i say fuck you.

the olympics are really really neato. some really neat sports going down, and most of all theres a real sense of unity. there are no borders in olympic cities and all arguements are set aside for the sake of good competition and once in a lifetime experiences.

that was all very cheesy. but seriously, fucking "dancing with the stars"?

the first warm day of the year i will stay up all night and dance on my lawn blasting andrew w.k.'s I Get Wet rejoicing with likeminded fellows. it will become a ritual practice.

i will disclose this: sometimes i wish many girls threw themselves at me and i had not a care in the world. other times i feel quite the opposite.

who has a row boat?

i wish the world had not turned into a freezer and i felt like writing the intelligent things i wanted to last night.

farewell weekend.


Anonymous said...

i'm down with dancing on lawn all night in warm air -kelloggs

Anonymous said...

You remind me of Holden. All your entries make me feel like a 'phony' because you dislike a lot of things that interest me. Maybe not 'Dancing with the Stars', but I don't think it's wrong to watch some reality show rather than the olympics. Everyone is different, ya know?

[I'm not trying to sound like a bitch, if I came off as one. I'm just saying..]
