Friday, December 02, 2005

Kill, Kill, Kill Hippies

goddamn, hippies.
there seems to be a growing mass of teenaged hippies in my area, predominantly coming out of avon grove charter. they piss me off. i will start off by saying you are 15-16, you can't vote yet. i hate their undereducated liberal minds, their ignorance is like a disease. "fuck bush!" do you even get it? give me reasons why george bush is so bad? because he has an agenda? because he's actually doing something? the only reason people loved clinton and thought he was so great because NOTHING HAPPENED in his presidency. im no fucking right wing bush loving hick, but i respect the man, and i know enough that i have no say whether or not im 18, so i just deal with it. another thing; there will never be peace, stop fighting for it. its pointless. you cant expect us to sit back and watch as people fly planes into buildings. you cant act like iraq didnt need serious help. i do think that not much is getting accomplished because people over there refuse to listen, but come on do you think going down to DC to see a few fellow liberal minded bands, piss off cops, skateboard, take pics, and tell a few stories is going to get ANYTHING accomplished? youre not cool if you protest, or hate cops. its just so irrational, like just deal with it. we have a republican controlled democracy, we have police, we are at war. the whole world is at war. its never going to stop, there will always be hatred, i will always hate, you cant act like you dont hate because youre human and hate is an emotion and people have them. unless hippies are emotionless mindless liberal fucks. which in that case, dont hate all you want.

ill quote a song off a seven inch of some old LA punk band on dangerhouse records whose name slips my mind at the moment, and say "send them back to san fransisco".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi joe.
so, i think its great that you've got your own ideas... and i respect them, because i respect you as a person. so, i just read about how you feel... and i think its my turn.
your telling liberals to "just deal with it," thats insane! freedom of speech is one of the great things this nation has blessed us with.. so please dont throw a shit fit that people are speaking out against bush, because your speaking out against liberals right now.
Bush's original insentive for going into Iraq was the whole WMD deal.. well, even hardcore republicans (including GWB himself) have come out saying thy didnt find any. not ONCE was there a public announcement saying the Iraq was a hotbed for terrorism.

oh yeah, thanks for false-labeling my school... GWB won our school election last year, but since you know 2 or 3 kids who dont like bush there... your generalization was great.
joe, i smile+wave to you when i see you.. and you nod back.. so, honestly.. do you really hate me as much as it sounds like you do in this entry? because i'd really like to know if i should trop trying to extend my olvie branch.
i dont understand why your all about hate and getting rid of friends. sure.. people can hate, but they should use that emotion sparcley. and i know you dont ever want to be my friend, but im sure some of your other 'ex-friends' miss you.

p.s. the guys who bombed the WTC were from Saudi Arabia, not Iraq.