Tuesday, December 06, 2005


man, fuck winter. "but oh! snow! holidays! joy! presents! feel good! love! coziness!" you say. NO. snow, snow is miserable. snow is cool when its cloudy and falling. but then the next day the sun comes and it starts to melt in the streets and a few hours later, im half blind and most of the snow has turned black. winter is time for corporate holidays; valentine's day, christmas, new years. firstly i think this holiday season idea is total bullshit. christmas is ONE DAY. there is no need to drag it out for a month and a half prior. its all just hype up to get people to get happy and go out shopping. another thing: people that are so happy during the holidays. if youre going to be happy be happy the whole year! not just christmas time. presents are selfsih (but i enjoy em anyway). how can i possibly feel good/lovey/cozy if its fucking 25 degrees out, the streets are ice, the snow is black, advertising and joy is raping me left and right, and EVERYONE HAS A BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND.

my school, buncha pricks.

sorry im a scrooge.


Anonymous said...

i agree.
oh and i dont have a boyfriend.

and it was beautiful out at like 7am, the snow was like a pinky/orange from the sky. oh it was love. but then i came home in the afternoon and it was ugly.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a girlfriend
And yes winter does suck
And snow is only cool when it's falling or when you put your cat on top of it so he falls through


Anonymous said...

i agree, winter sucks, except for february 13th. and snow days are okay but they arent even that cool because then we have to go to school more in the summertime when i have better things to do like relax and be outside. and everyone looks better when they've been outside and get naturally tan.
and i also dont have a boyfriend as of yesterday, which sucks. brush it off, brush it off.
if i had a cat, i'd try that thing that travis does..
love, shelb

Anonymous said...

i hear ya, joe. i hear ya.

Anonymous said...

PRICKS??? AT OUR SCHOOL??? where did you get that idea?? oh yeah, it is true. snow and all these holidays are over rated. the only good thing is two weeks off of school.
