Monday, October 08, 2007

Oh the Sunday sleep

Looking forward to bed after a long soulsucking weekend.

One moment that sticks out happened yesterday afternoon at the luncheon. Mrs. Boxler looked ill and her age. She just took my hand and told me that she loved my name, that she thought it was strong.

Anyway. I never thought I'd be running out of a three day weekend to the the finish-line at my desk in A.P. Euro.

Let's get cultural. I really like Tokyo Police Club. They get some undeserved and unnecessary comparisons to the Strokes. TPC, though, have these senses of paranoia and youthfulness unhindered by coke-addled tours with British counterparts (the Kooks? anyone?).
Here's their video:

What's Hot:
Viruses on my computer thanks to a fake Darjeeling Limited torrent
Wes Anderson (and anything else to distract)
Maybe picking up my guitar again
Finding it impossible to develop a soundtrack to the last five days.

1 comment:

Alex said...
