Saturday, October 20, 2007


I saw Spoon tonight. It was pretty perfect on a few levels, though I wish they had played less from Gimme Fiction, an album I'm not that familiar with (that's not to say it's bad, I just never got into it.) Britt Daniel and crew are awesome-everything between Britt, Jim Eno, Rob Pope and Eric Harvey clicks. It seems like their only function is to be a good band. Each one of their records is flawless. Their live show is tighter than a virgin. They look cool, they're not too young, they dress sharp, their album covers are neat as fuck, their lyrics are mysterious and hard to understand... Fucking cool. They function as a true group should. During songs, they talk to each other, about what I don't know, nod in agreement, harmonize, play instruments. Whatever. I'm just really glad I saw them, over the last year they've fought their way into my top five favorite bands. Actually there's lots of newcomers there, so that's a perfect segue:

Desert Island Top Five Favorite Bands
1. Pearl Jam
2. Against Me!
3. Interpol
4. Spoon
5. Blur

in other news, fuck metalcore.

1 comment:

Alex said...

a metalcore kid told me last night that you can't mosh at punk shows.

i wanted to shoot myself in the arm.