Sunday, December 24, 2006


i got the new regina spektor album for christmas. regina spektor>cat power. i'm kind of surprised no one really compares the two. i don't even know if they're all that similar. chanteuses i guess.

begin to hope
is good-it's really cute...her accent gets annoying sometimes and i don't know if it's as good as soviet kitsch, but it's good and it's cute.

no one probably cares about this at all and i appreciate that. i really want a leica camera! they're mad nice.

merry christmas, here's my dick in a box:

Friday, December 22, 2006

its late and honestly i could go on and on

i have to fucking work at 8 am tomorrow/today. damn! i was planning skateboarding to kennett.

anyway, cool things that have crossed my mind

  • misfiring nerves
  • lost in translation (the thinking man's garden state)
    • bill murray's karaoke (what's so funny about peace love and understanding, more than this)
  • inside jokes with taylor
    • see: holiday indifference
  • heavy eyelids
  • junior year omg mix
  • not having to see weird looking fucks for over a week (you know what i mean.)
  • spike jonze
    • see: brilliance
  • a blank mind
  • 91 on my algebra two test (numbers have finally come around)
i mean i love photo, i dont develop my own shit, but fuck: i know what aperture value is and all that jawn...

here is some spike craziness, goodnight, welcome, welcome back, i hope someone is reading. anyone.

the bitch is back

the bitch is back

cha boy is back.

year in review, it's coming. all im gonna say is rap.

Monday, April 17, 2006

yesterday was my birthday despite much protest and, eventually, my own indifference. i turned sixteen. we had the whole family over for easter, most of both sides. as the afternoon progressed i felt more and more thankful. finally in the early evening i had this incredible urge to wish everyone in the entire world a happy birthday. it was the most amazing feeling. im still feeling it. i wish it could happen really, throw away all this belligerence and let everyone know that today (and everyday?) is their fucking day and to seize it, take it by the horns and run with it. im not talking from much experience and its illogical to think anyone would ever listen to me but ive tried it a bunch, and seizing the day is fucking perfect and amazing and it could all begin with a happy birthday. so happy birthday, regardless of my feelings towards you, or yours toward me.
yesterday was my birthday despite much protest and, eventually, my own indifference. i turned sixteen. we had the whole family over for easter, most of both sides. as the afternoon progressed i felt more and more thankful. finally in the early evening i had this incredible urge to wish everyone in the entire world a happy birthday. it was the most amazing feeling. im still feeling it. i wish it could happen really, throw away all this belligerence and let everyone know that today (and everyday?) is their fucking day and to seize it, take it by the horns and run with it. im not talking from much experience and its illogical to think anyone would ever listen to me but ive tried it a bunch, and seizing the day is fucking perfect and amazing and it could all begin with a happy birthday. so happy birthday, regardless of my feelings towards you, or yours toward me.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


tomorrow at 1:25 will be a break that i hope and expect to be fufilling.

i'll keep this brief and simply let it out that i am sexually frusterated.

Friday, April 07, 2006


to the anonymous commenters-its salesianum. everyone is a bitch. the place is a breeding ground for fake shit talking pricks. you both are likely some of them. if you want to take shit up with me, how about you take the upper hand and NOT be a pussy by trying to start something. we'll fucking go, i don't care. i will fight you if you are game, and you know what i will lose, but it'll be worth it and it won't be the last. fatty? come on now we all know im not overtly large. if you are who i think you are take a look at your faggot friend chris kobus. he is fat. and a prick. i dont know, yeah i talk alot of shit and that is what i do and if you take issue with it take it up with ME not my blog. goddammit i dont even want friends at that hellhole anyway, youre all phonies. fuck.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

So Anyway

yeah theres not too much going on these days. i just wrote an ACE paper on similarities between the catcher in the rye and the great gatsby. rugby is great as expected. after you play rugby, all other sports save for soccer and hurling pale in comparison, namely football and lacrosse. fuck those sports on the real. i can only hope within the next few days, thoughts worthy enough to write in here come to me. maybe ill start making a concious effort to not be such a dick to people i dont like.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


i dont have much to say this evening except
  • rugby is the greatest sporting event known to man
  • leslie reids attempt at not being a slut/retard/friendly/fake/pennsylvania are so disgusting. that girl is a monster. i find it totally entertaining her and her beaux have practically the same glasses.
  • the office
  • it is the fourth quarter. i can still redeem myself.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

my subconcious has decided once more it is time to pack up and move on, so that's life i guess. i can't wait to actually have the option of moving places. im just going to move until i find people who are actually creative and people arent afraid to be honest.

i just washed my hands, like ridiculously. and i feel like listening to classic rock and going to lots and lots of parties.

i wish parties were still old fashioned and earnestly fun and you actually met new people and danced and socially drank, not these kegfests of debauchery and sexual satisfaction/teen romance. no one is earnest and nothing is honest. everything is so secretive. i wish sometimes i threw caution and my inhibitions to the wind and had a good (material) time, instead of doing it with my brain, cos shit son, that aint working out.

my life will parallel the career of everclear-i'll never really make it (socially, academically,______).

anyway, i guess my life has a pattern. or so it seems; i have close friends, i find something that bugs me about them but i dont tell anyone and then it just creates bigger problems. key event-their realization i am a dick, citing an end to the process. most recently the other person was lyndsey stanton and the thing i think that bugged me most is she didnt like me (or is so incredibly social and that is only growing weekend by weekend, or has this smile that makes me insane, or i get the impression is fake sometimes). any of those. it peaked in an argument last night where lyndsey said she was finished with me for good. shit, that's life! i don't know what to do with myself except eat and play rugby. i started making to do lists, theyre coming in handy for the most part. i hope everything gets tied together soon before i like, freak out on my whole life.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Rusholme Ruffians

first off, spring has sprung and i could not be more elated. second, there is a show friday that timmy johnson and i have so diligently put together.

for lack of anything more intelligent to say, here is a hot list (with respective wikipedia articles):

01. Britpop
02. Bjork
03. DIY
04. Fences and Windows
05. The Spirit Temple
06. Parklife
07. No Depression
08. Rugby
09. Spring
10. Shamrock Shakes

Other notes:
  • I am slowly growing from a pussy to a boy.
  • I desire a girl who is the opposite of myself. chuckle!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Well That's A Promise

a few minor points before i get into things
  • fuck you, you dunno the half. neither do you, and you're the one involved.
  • i decided every day is a good day regardless, cos what the fuck is a bad day worth?
  • "I Get Wet" is currently my favorite pop tune.
  • Fugazi's The Argument is my current favorite album.
  • There is a show March 17th. if you are reading this, you are probably already aware. This show has caused me some distress and given me some flack.
  • Saturday, I film my untitled movie. I hope it's a success, that all depends on how good the editing turns out.
tonight i went to lancaster to attend a question and answer session with none other than my musical and ethical idol, ian mackaye (teen idles, fugazi, minor threat, the evens, dischord records, harDCore, etc. etc. et al.). these are things i got out of it. with where we are in life and what we are into, we should not compromise. we are young and we are creative. well some of us are creative. alot of people don't even give a two shits about creativity or art (and i use art to mean things that arent manufactured shit). especially in today's "scene" where there are so many fucking bands that sound exactly as the other just because this sound seems to work with this crowd of people. this is compromise. this is monotony. this is where punk is no longer punk, alternative is no longer alternative, etc. you have created a mainstream within it self. you are as bad as the pop stars and rappers that you condemn unless it's for the sake of irony or good times. i can't understand why there are so few different bands and how much several certain sounds are dictating an entire scene, especially one that is or was against the grain. it makes me sick how fake underground music is becoming. it's generally the music that teenagers like myself have attatched themselves to. i find it hard to listen to, not because it's "heavy" (by no means) or aggresive (far from) or new (yeah right), but because it is generic. it is faceless. it is artistic compromise. and people refuse to accept the roots of it all, but thats another story for a different day. not in the last 20 years has there been such a huge upsurge of bands started up by teenagers and young folk, but it's all meaningless because it all sounds the same and follows the same ethic and ideals and aesthetic. i believe there is only one ideal/aesthetic/ethic that the "underground" should follow and that is this: do it yourself.

ian mackaye is a prime example of diy. his first band, the teen idles, were straight out of high school, living in D.C. no one would put out a punk record from teenagers, so what do they do? they put it out themselves. so many young bands are wasting tons of money on recording and tons of time shopping it around to big labels or touring, waiting for something to happen, never really getting their name out there. ian mackaye did in a big way through starting his own label. DIY helps aid in the creation of completely unadulterated music and ideas. there are no outside governing bodies to impose limits. there are no contracts breeding mistrust. there is only creativity and a free flow of ideas. i learned so much tonight. i want to try to emulate diy whether it be on my own or through other ventures. im sick and fucking tired of the same sounds and the same places and the same people running the same goddamn scene. im young so i don't have the privilige of going to the city and seeing fresh bands. i have to do it myself. im sick and tired of hearing this same old bullshit and i want to break away from it. im tired of seeing everyone compromising themselves in ALL walks of life, not just art. it's ridiculous, we're humans and have free will. don't be a fucking follower.


p.s. i dont give a shit who the fuck is in your top 8 so save your fucking bulletins.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


for all of those who chose to watch such shows as "dancing with the stars" and "american idol" over the olympics i say fuck you.

the olympics are really really neato. some really neat sports going down, and most of all theres a real sense of unity. there are no borders in olympic cities and all arguements are set aside for the sake of good competition and once in a lifetime experiences.

that was all very cheesy. but seriously, fucking "dancing with the stars"?

the first warm day of the year i will stay up all night and dance on my lawn blasting andrew w.k.'s I Get Wet rejoicing with likeminded fellows. it will become a ritual practice.

i will disclose this: sometimes i wish many girls threw themselves at me and i had not a care in the world. other times i feel quite the opposite.

who has a row boat?

i wish the world had not turned into a freezer and i felt like writing the intelligent things i wanted to last night.

farewell weekend.

Friday, February 24, 2006

I Can Feel My Legs Growing

today i did battle in windowless rooms with teenage robots in the high school bloodbath known simply as mock trial. our team was unprepared to say the least but we went down swinging.

my hopes were quickly dashed of sexually charged, intellectual, teenage girls playing lawyers when we walked into the room and found a not so ramshackle team of students. they consisted of:
  • Fem-Nazi superbot-Obviously their leader, sported glasses and incredibly tight pulled back hair. Very un-sexy.
  • Girlbot-Mildly appeared to have downs syndrome. She made the opening statements and slayed my simple, cut the fucking crap approach with an attack from all sides which included alliteration and repetition of points (that were seemingly idiotic)
  • Minoritybot-Simply put, she was African-American, which was of no trouble to me or anything. She had braces, probably trying to make her appear more like a normal teenage girl. She fought viciously with an onslaught of perfect objections that I simply did not understand. Therefore, I got pwned.
  • Minoritybot (male)-Played the part of defense witness Kinsley Williams. Superb acting. I got absolutely nothing past him in my cross examination. Not that I expected to, I only came up with the questions like 10 minutes before. Fuck.
  • Loren Albert-Seemed autistic and unarticulate, at first. But once questions were asked, the kid fired back with wit and segues and long long long side stories that held no relevance. We were hopeless. We did not object. There was one feeble attempt at interupting him, of course being caught by the judge. This attempt was later praised by the very attractive scoring judge. I loved the way she talked
  • Pat Clifford-This was going to be the kid that sucked! Long hair, t-shirt. No, he wasn't. He ruled. Putting on the full guise of compu-nerd. I was so dissapointed. He seemed a ray of light! A fellow slacker! My hopes were simply dashed.
So I wrote them a message. Not to be passed onto them (The Friends School A-Team. WTF?!?!?!?! how could they possibly have been so good. Must have been robots.)
here it is:

oh nevermind, I can't find it. fuck. well you get the gist of it. i had a long day and I can feel my legs grow. I am not looking forward to tomorrow.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I Like To Talk About Pop Music

i love pop music. i love the way it pops. i love hooky choruses. i love music, but not in the way alot of people say they love music. trust me, they're bullshitting you.

my weekend was filled with estrogren and crazy times with my sister and her friend.

as i listen to this mix i made in the spring time of last year, i wonder why the fuck i put a deerhoof song on it. my dad gave me good logic, to my delight. he said that you can't avoid school so why not do well? so i guess im going to do well. i guess i'll make school my life from now on in order to achieve a 3.2 this quarter. all i can do is work. just hoping won't do shit, holmes.

it is a wonder to me that though the taste of wawa hoagie onions is weak when you are actually eating the hoagie, they let you know that they are there throughout the rest of the day.

things are on the turnaround and i guess i'm getting back in touch, but in other circles. that is good.

does it make sense when i say alot of problems are all in your head and that you made them yourself? there are alot of things that don't need to be problematic, or never were in the first place, or were never even existed. i think people subconciously create alot of their "problems" for self-worth. whatever, our generation sucks.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Punctual Punctuation

i, am tired, of the overuse of, commas. i, am also tired of, newfound ideals among some, that they should be incredibly stiff, and grammtically correct, while on, the internet. the internet, was built, for teeangers, such as, us, and welcomed our laziness, to be grammatically incorrect. i wish it would stay that way.

more important stuff later.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

99 Problems

in celebration of the rediscovered greatness that is jay-z's the black album, i will imitate my black idol.

  1. Bitch, lack of
  2. Cold weather patterns
  3. Douchebag juniors with frosted blonde hair
  4. Lack of perfectly functioning headphones and computer speakers
  5. Jabu Jabu's belly
  6. Foodsource's strongwilled attempts to suck me back onto their workforce
  7. The seemingly neverending search for drivers for my new old Yamaha soundcard for XP.
  8. Not enough school pants to get me through the week
  9. Not enough jeans to get me through my weekends
  10. Finding clothes not made in sweatshops
  11. When someone leaves the milk jug in the fridge with two fucking drops of milk left in it
  12. Duck walkers (my school contains's like cancer)
  13. my computer just restarted, goddamn
  14. Lack of memory for my compy here
  15. Missing out on an entire evening to see a slow moving play that turned out to be mediocre.
  16. I've got 15 minutes to write this thing before Blogger shuts down
  17. Urge to move to South Beach and change my name
  18. My iTunes is broken so i cant update my iPod
  19. My speakers are broken so i can't listen to tunes
  20. My peacoat is obsessed with lint these days
  21. I'm starving
  22. There's no goddam milk in the fridge
  23. Itchy socks
  24. The need and incredible difficulty to get through all of The Magnetic Fields' 69 Love Songs before the end of the night
  25. Convincing my mom the importance of going to Bonnaroo
  26. Valentine's Day and my attempts to inform everyone i know that it is in fact, not a real holiday. And not just cos card companies either.
  27. Colloquial writing: I never knew it would be so hard to grasp.
  28. Staying fly
  29. Diarhea
  30. Idiots at my school refusing to drop the subject of course selection
  31. Those same fuckers bragging about the A.P. courses theyre taking next year
  32. Since I tightened my sister's snare drum, I've had this ringing in my brain...
  33. Video iPods
  34. Hot chocolate
  35. S-N-O-W
  36. The suprise return/attack of the above, rendering my superpowers useless and leaving me startled
  37. The perfect balance of honey and mustard to make honey mustard
  38. Tomorrow is sunday
  39. Scene bands
  40. The generic names of scene bands
  41. The generic sounds of scene bands
  42. Brian fucking Pierce
  43. Xanga
  44. My wariness of the oncoming confusion that is the Forest Temple. I vow not to use a walkthrough. Not until the end.
  45. My computer monitor is so super heavy
  46. The entire state of Delaware, except the beautifully proportioned bank buildings in Wilmington
  47. Dave Haines
  48. This is only the halfway point of this whole deal
  49. I can't seem to shake the greatness that is Jay-Z's "My First Song"
  50. I can't freestyle
  51. I can't throw down a hot beat
  52. Foodsource is still paying me 6.90 an hour. I should be making 8.00+.
  53. I need to file taxes
  54. Lion and the Pride E.P.
  55. Snaggletooth
  56. Unarticulate speakers/writers
  57. Rolling Stone Magazine (save for David Fricke and Tom Moon's occasional contributions)
  58. 25 minutes til midnight!
  59. The year 2006
  60. Cars
  61. Pollution
  62. Sweatshop labor
  63. When it snows, then the sun comes out the next day. It looks like shit, makes me feel like shit, shit shit shit.
  64. The realization that this entry is not going the way I want it to. Oh well.
  65. Myspace's general population from my area
  66. Cliches
  67. O.A.R. kid/"Surfer" hair. You know what I'm talking about. Long, to about above the eyebrows, and a little longer than the collar in the bag. Just barely pushing school limits. Flared out above the ears. Sported by kids who like bad jam bands and claim to surf. Especially those who try to prove to you they surf by showing you some pictures that were taking from the shoreline on a cloudy day. Oh yeah okay, that blur on the wave is you? Niccccceeee one brah, hows your Merrick? Hows yr quiver comin?
  68. Reoccuring headaches
  69. When people laugh at this number
  70. I need to mow the lawn again. I'm craving it.
  71. "Serious" relationships
  72. Tinsel
  73. My dad's not so handy workmanship
  74. The smell of urine
  75. Gregorian chant
  76. Father Connolly
  77. Itching for my next door neighbors move, so I can know whats in store for the next 2.5 years
  78. Fractions
  79. The O.C.
  80. Flathead screwdrivers
  81. Dave Haines convincing everyone I have bike shorts. These shorts are nonexistent.
  82. The fear I will now always have when biking down Route 52. I quoth Haines: "I saw you ridin' down 52 the other day. I had the inclination to run you over." And it has been said.
  83. Slurred speech
  84. Any red candy, unless its raspberry
  85. Candy, for the time being
  86. Lack of a neverending supply of Vitamin Water
  87. The general consensus is that I am a dick
  88. This entry is almost too epic
  89. This entry has been three days in the making, so numbers 1-23 are practically over and done with
  90. Tourism
  91. Fake anarchists
  92. Cruises
  93. 6 Minutes, 6 Problems
  94. Poseurs
  95. Rotting bananas!
  96. The smell of piss
  97. People who have abandoned their bikes
  98. Latin-2
  99. Celebrities now skinny who i once loved...Lindsay, Nicole, Hilary...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Varioust Artists

props to mike for an equally grammaticaly incorrect and profound entry on the tying of feelings to the heart. read it here. i think i should be including more links and things, you know, so its more blog like.

HORSE the band? amazing. there is no better go to album than R. Borlax. seriously.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Relevance (Two)

i realized that how much i fight against the constant subconcious quest for relevance amongst my peers and fuckers i hate, i will end up laughing all the way to the grave. the reason goes like this: i will become a music journalist. i will interview lots of bands i love and make friends with them. i will die young, ala lester bangs. my funeral will be a blowout that cries "relevancy!" with a cannonball headed straight for salesianum. these rockstars i will have befriended will be at my funeral. magazine staff will be at my funeral. there will be a piece about me in said magazine. this particular issue will be a valued item in the back catalog!
look at lester bangs!
look at hunter s. thompson!
johnny DEPP attended his funeral. none of you will be able to say the same, i am the best. or i will be, when im dead.
i say all you (girls, mostly) who set up livejournals and xangas and myspaces and constantly beg for comments, and have not only an AIM account but an MSN, jabber, and yahoo account, should stop. let the attention come to you. let it be won, not asked for. it will be paid back in full. i do it effortlessly. im kind of getting spacey here. actually this whole entry is completely ridiculous, i thought it may be good, but its shit. but ill try to save it

well i dont know if anyone knows what im talking about. if you think about it, everywhere you go, especially since abd because the internet, there are peopl vying for your attention . its mainly the internet. pretty much. you cant deny the bulletins vying for comments, or the pictures labeled im so ugly. the xanga entries claiming not enough comments. none of these people are even saying anything good! i dont know. i wish the internet didnt exist. i was talking to my friends older sister, heather. she grew up as a teenager in the nineties, pre-internet boom etc. everything was so different back then. there werent trends like there are now, her friends were centered around her school, and if you were original, or not popular, you were truly different and truly stood out. life was peach, i guess. but now yeah theres all this striving for feedback, and then conflict starting because of this. i dont give a fuck who tells you what or what they say, "drama" is generally bullshit. we'll call it conflict from here on out because an argument and shit talking is not DRAMA its CONFLICT. fuck. anyway, people say shit about someone, then the other person makes a big deal about themselves because they want to make themselves feel more like i dont know what the fuck im getting at. ill stop. seriously. all i can say is thoose fights? theyre fucking petty and bullshit and are just retarded and the point im saying is...

these things would not have gone on 10 years ago, and the reasons why:
  • desire to live in other places, i.e. california (our area wouldve been our area. we wouldve been happy with it. there would be no MTV barrage of california culture. there would be no "glamorous" Paris Hilton culture all over magazines and movies. no reality tv. no OC.)
  • drama-for several reasons
    • the spread of gossip would not be nearly as quick (no IM/email/myspace, no cell phones, no desire to spread the said gossip)
    • the word drama would be used in the correct fucking context. as in not referring to what i love to call conflict.
    • there were distinct groups and social hierarchies. it only mattered if the people in these groups talked shit on their fellow group members. the lines are too blurred now.
    • people got out more. i dont know how this is different now, or how it plays into it but it just makes sense to me.
  • ridiculous shit, i just dont know, okay? i just wish it were differentl. i hate the internet. i wish the house phone/landline wasnt obsolete. i wish there were still cool high school relationships instead of the two extremes that exist-stupid fake long term relationships (10 months +) and meaningless short term relationships (1 month -). i wish there were distinct grade separtations. i wish there were more fights.


i need to stop, call me a hypocrite.

this took about an hour to finish. please read it.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Jesus Solved His Problems By Inviting People Over

this weekend: failed.

oh, AOL Instant Messenger! I never knew you could be the cause of so many of my troubles.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Fight! Break! Fight!

i swear to god, i VOW (!) that by the end of the year, i will have punched logan mooney in the face, and then defend myself in the brawl that surely will follow. logan mooney is the epitome of douchebag. logan thinks he is black. he wears baggy black dickies every day, shirt untucked and huge. douchebag buzzcut, douchebag look on his face.
every day in chemistry, it's like hes required to ask a question like an asshole ("um, correct me if i'm wrong but..."), with mock smarty pants intonation.
then he'll get in his group with dylan granger, anthony campinella, et al... and they will talk about how they fucked a girl that weekend in a hot tub or any other stereotypical place teenagers get fucked.
he must go down.
and he will not go down without a left hook to the bridge of his nose by me. sure he will retaliate. sure there will be posse members. but i will no doubt put forth valiant effort, and no one will forget whose blood was spilled on the bricks at monkey hill in a historic move no one will forget. it won't just be a fight between me and logan. it will be a fight against the monotony, hipocrisy, and creativity hindering prison that is my school. fuck! it will be epic.i will be carried off in the arms of anonymous padua girls, trailed by the faithful onlookers that are my peers. and in the background, logan and his stunned posse of dickheads and italians. logan yells "gallagher this won't be the end! i beat you today, i'll beat you again!" and so on. but no one turns around. we keep pressing on.

okay enough of that fantasy. it will happen, i swear.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Hot List!

i will now proceed to copy allison and make a list of things that are hot with me right now. i will call it the hot list.

  1. skippy's superchunk peanut butter
  2. the above combined with raspberry jam (NOT jelly) to make pb and js/once again making my own school lunches
  3. new wave/post punk
  4. mid 90's epitaph punk bands (pennywise, good rancid albums)
  5. the legend of zelda: ocarina of time
  6. sudden influx of good local bands (beneath the tide, the paramedics, the deans)
  7. Donnie Darko time of year. It was a year ago tomorrow i saw it. I rented the director's cut saturday and was totally thrown off by the soundtrack changes. The new opening is cool with the INXS song but i was so used to associating it with "The Killing Moon" by Echo. Oh well.
  8. newfound interest in girls (again)
  9. money
  10. studying/sudden learning how to do (FLASH CARDS, SHIT!)

Gumball Superheros Abound, I am, I watch.

i will be a superhero, fast acting and easily digestable for peers. i will be a dick, so be it! i am a cynic, but oh! i need to be heard. i will open eyes and ears, coming up through your feet, and marching on and on and on until my work is done. eta: then/now/soon.
  • this
  • that
  • (fill with whatever you are so enamored with)
i am a square. i will never feel content, and when i do, it will be brief for i never like to settle down. i will always convince myself "it is not my place to talk about that or even be in the presence of _____ any longer". up and go. i am secluded, self imposed social exile but just enough so you don't forget, i am that bramble that is stuck to your shorts for three years until you outgrow them and move onto something alot better. but also, i am free from obligation. i need to leave my schedule open, something might come up. i dont want to dissapoint. youre my man on the inside. all of you.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

my sister and, we make beautiful music. so suprisingly, AGCS battle of the bands was an awesome time. there were exactly four good musical groups, and some fabulous breakdowns, and wonderful times had for all. all underneath ugly flourescent and on top of yellowing 30+ year old carpet.

holding it down in mosh city, pennsylvania (because we just are really intensely hardxmoshcore):
  • Myself
  • Triple D HxC-DannyDonnyDennis (creative, no?)
  • Drew
  • Andrew Peters
  • Cameron Woodrig Himself
  • Christian (who is taking on the number one counterstrike team in the world as we speak!)
we looked like apes. we acted like douches. we represented our friends. we did what we had to do. speaking of camwood, i saw a girl who looked just like him. same EVERYTHING. i asked if she was his sister and she said no but they dated. hm.

this is my entry about my life. my next entry is about everything else.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Unceasing Picking of my Nose

i have begun my college search which will be of epic proportions. im not entirely sure why i have started thinking about college and actually researching schools (courtesy of wikipedia), and it's probably stupid. the only reason i could fathom would be sheer boredom coming around at 10:30, and the arrival of my mother. im keen on bard, haverford, temple (ah slackerdom), mary washington possibly, NYU, but that looks doubtful. considering its 40 grand out of state. yeah.

in other news.
okay, okay I READ ELLEGIRL, okay? i love that magazine. it's amazing. and it helps me get into the minds of...girls. teenage ones. and hey the staff doesnt like half bad music. im in possesion of the music issue, where they talk about riot grrrl, interview sleater kinney, redwalls photo journal, and soooooo on. i love ellegirl, oh jesus. it's better than the new spin anyway.

a guessing game?
try this on for size. a fucking -------- -----?!?! okay local teenagers, what possibly could have taken hold of your brains to make you want to do something so incredibly out of age, something so white collar, something so wannabeish, something so typical of the OC/laguna beach meaning it is automatically up for the title of "totally cliche". except its not quite cliche, it's just stupid. i wish i could go into more detail without offending anyone.

one who will simply be called spoony here has gone and trolled leslie reids livejournal. she had it coming! bitch is floatin' in denial, taking over someone i have enjoyed the company of since sixth grade, and thinks i am still infatuated with her. lets all give him a round of applause, check it out here.

a heartbreaking work of staggering genius is truly great. its not amazing. its not coming of age. its just a great, self-pitying/self-loathing piece of work that is extremely well written and funny.



Sunday, January 22, 2006

America Loves Cliffhangers!

l-steezy: i didnt say it was better. hello nasty is like my second favorite rap record ever. but the best since, yeah. as far as white rap goes we've had...eminem.

america loves cliffhangers and i just wonder why. america also loves "dancing with the stars". "american idol" is understandable, we can get our giggles from the funny highlight reels of shitty hicks in various cities. i find no humor or entertainment in "dancing...". someone please tell me what im missing.

i will take this time out to praise evan dando. evan dando has audiofied spring to an unbelievable t. he is only matched by saves the day in recreating lush green grass and picnics and bike rides into a form that can be squeezed through headphone wires or played on the car stereo. whether it be with hate your friends, fierce punk that makes me wanna skateboard real fast, or come on feel the lemonheads which i would listen to and think maybe tomorrow i'll talk to the girl who sat in front of me on the bus. hes just a good songwriter.

i am unrelenting and i will not give in! fuck!


Thursday, January 19, 2006


prepare: saturday beneath the tide will we recording a very rough edged recording. in my basement. it will be intense. it will be harsh. there will be squelching fucking feedback. i love squelching fucking feedback. when i hear squelching feedback in a breakdown, i instantly get the urge to stop what im doing and dance, much like that comeback kid video for wake of the dead. it's pretty bad you need to see it, here. you need to quicktime to open it, prepare to laugh really really hard like.

the tom green rap record, prepare for impact. let me tell you, it's awesome. its like eric b.'s turntable skills meets, well, tom green. it's not like overly comedic or anything, alot of it has a really serious tone. it's not novel, either. it's better than anything eminem has done, the biggest white rap triumph since paul's boutique or hello nasty.

my computer is all messed up, something more interesting tomorrow. bye.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Puff Daddy Blowjob Movement

once again, please if youre going to comment, leave your name. i appreciate what you have to say, i don't care who you are. but i don't think being philosophical makes me 15 going on 25. i was thinking more along the lines of getting drunk whenever possible, being in "love", and the fact that 49.8% percent of kids 14+ have given or received oral sex.

anyway, there is no perfect song than "puff daddy blowjob movement" (speaking of blowjobs) by the spinto band (wilmington's own). it's on their good answer E.P. and consists of the slurry telling of several stories about spring time by someone i don't think is in the band, over top of music that reminds me of "belong" by R.E.M.

Story One:
the narrator and finney mcgillis are walking around a store. mcgillis wants a reeses (the narrator thinks) so he takes out 80 cents and goes to the cash register. the cash person is taken aback "and does not know what to do about it". finney eventually buys the candy, and they begin walking down a street. finney spots a sign.

segue to chorus-puff daddy! youre gonna give me a blow, youre gonna suck me low.

Story Two:
narrator says story one cant compare to this. narrator and his friend hobbert walk to the baseball fields. "it was a, a glorious time"(this makes me think of the KAU fields in kennett for some reason). there's just like, people everywhere.

segue to chorus-puff daddy, puff daddy. youre gonna give me a blow. youre gonna suck me low. oh baby, oh you know! you dunno! you dunno! you dunno!

Story Three:
"Guys, you dunno what im going through. Like, I've got this problem like...dickie smalls? or's like always coming into my house when i don't want it to! I don't understand it. Then i just look up right behind the sky and i know everythings going to be okay" (at this point the most glorious, enlightening feeling fills your body and makes your shoulders tingle).

chorus-puff daddy, blowjob business, etc. it's hard to care, this song is just so good by now.

"Oh man, deedee dog...I don't think he'll ever learn".

glorious guitar solo, drum fills. chorus, faaaaaade out.
these stories really make my day complete, and itch for spring time.

PS-myspace is creepy. i decided to search for this girl i met on the cruise who was very strange. i hung out with her for two nights, her and her brother. she was pretty cool though, she liked the dresden dolls and the decemberists. she said she was 18 and a freshman at RISD. well on the lat night she tells me shes 24 and working at some architectural firm in providence. so tonight i look for laurens within five miles of providence, and low and behold! shes staring at me on the fifth page. weird.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

28 Days, 28 Shows

i love hardcore punk so much. friday night my sister, kellogg and myself went to the first unitarian church to see the explosion and modern life is war. it was my first time at the church and i really liked the place. but anyway i didnt have much interest in modern life is war, but as soon as they took the stage i was sucked into the mass power machine that is their music. squeezed my way up front, screamed random syllables pretending i knew the lyrcs (everyone else did), and hoped to god their vocalist didnt give me the mic. well that is until they played "nervous breakdown" by black flag, which i welcomed the mic with my raised fist and got it on two occasions. their sound is really original and great which is saying something. we went to wawa after their set, causing us to miss the panic reunion. no biggie. the explosion were pretty excellent, just great anthemic straightforward boston punk. i got backhanded in the eye once, got the mic five times (+) and my sister was really enjoying herself.

reasons why i love hardcore punk

  • it's simple
  • it's original
  • it's angry
  • it's anti-commercial
  • most hardcore punk bands would not go to starbucks
  • they practice what they preach
  • they preach good things
  • they are not afraid
  • minor threat
  • black flag
  • rites of spring
  • descendents
  • husker du
fuck starbucks, dude. fuck people who say they hate someone then THEN they go and hang out with them all the time then complain to you some more about how much they hate them.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Please Stunt Growth\\filepathinvalid

i think everyone is trying to make themselves more mature than they are, or trying to deal with things on an older level, or acting like theyve been through alot when really we're all just kids. if youre not a senior that is, then you have excuses. i dont see why everyone has to act so exhausted with the past or people or things. if youve only been here 16 or less years how the fuck are you going to feel 20 years from now? its all just a put on then, i dont know. im not buying it. im not selling it.

and jesus fucking christ kids if you dont live in delaware dont mention it. delaware sucks. no one cares about it anyway.

This Is It

hm. look im glad to not really have friends. and it doesnt matter anyway because no matter what anyone says, i've been replaced by people. i just thought id get this out of the way. i think its stupid that everyone so fears change, or never bothers to look around and see the things they dont like. i think thats fear, partly. if you dont accept change, ignore it, or never look at the negatives how can you possibly progress?

im going to see the explosion tomorrow night. punk shows are always fun. its better than fucking hidden and plain view with special unoriginal openers at the grange. that music is such junk, i hate it.

one good thing about winter is the sky. nothing beats an empty winter sky.

why do people (girls) find such joy in wearing coats in the winter?
let's hope the next girl who gives me their number does it in cursive.

wonderful insights: (though defunct)

does anyone know who made knux joel (aim) is?

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Headmaster Ritual

the idea of a girlfriend or a companion (female) is all of a sudden incredibly appealing to me. i think as i meet more new people the time is going to come. i feel like steveo in SLC punk, all washed up and just like nowhere to go anymore, nothing is happening for me, so im waiting for that girl to come around like the one he met at the party. she just instantly sums him up when he sits down on the couch next to her, itd just be too perfect. i dont know i dont want to get too idealistic. im reading how soon is never, its really great.

the perks of being a wallflower is overrated.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Ceiling Fan In My Spoon

things are getting nicer. i just feel better about alot of things. i just can't wait for fucking april, daylight savings time and everything is green. that's the best really, i really love life when it's green. i just finished about a boy, which i thought was really interesting. it was just nice, i dont know. all nick hornby stuff is just so solid and so perfect, theyre so complete. i got a peacoat at j crew today, on sale. its pretty nice. i wish my shoulders werent so big. this post is completely useless. i won the mc-303 auction, i am so excited.

wow that was really really dumb.

Ima EXplode

tonight i was feeling especially serious, sparking an urge to talk seriousness. am i contradicting myself in wanting to savor youth and then taking things too seriously? discuss. ive been bidding for this mc-303 groovebox and i really hope i win. its going to be an awesome tool and we're going to make some wild tunes with it. thats all for now, i think.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

One MORE thing

"sister" who i am led to believe would be exactly that: my sister mimi. i do not complain about how no one wants to hang out.

Another Note (Third? In A Continuing Saga)

in my last post i was simply talking about an issue. i wasn't trying to make wrong between any friends, i wasn't trying to be a dick, i wasn't complaining. i was just writing about a little noteworthy twist and what i thought about it. in essence it doesnt harm ANYONE except nick barba, but not really. you are an idiot if you think im talking trash on anyone (minus n.b.). i didn't mention any names. all i was doing was putting down my thoughts about a story i heard from someone that may have been a little inaccurate, but harmless all the same. jesus christ. i don't hate anyone i was talking about. don't hate on me. well you can. but i won't care and im not deleting a blog just at the urging of several people with a misunderstanding of what i was putting forth.

jesus goddamn christ, world.

Monday, January 02, 2006


for about an hour i was fearing the collapse of the entire universe was emminent when i heard that two best friends (bffaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeae loved like sisters) had stopped talking over nick barba. firstly, these two friends had to my knowledge never been in a fight. this was almost refreshing news, being that they are to a point disgustingly close [this will make people mad, i am sorry, but it's not like anyone is reading this anyhow]. secondly since when does anyone like nick barba especially two girls i previously thought would have absolutely no interest in him. nick barba is your stereotypical pot smoking skate kid in the new age. by new age i mean a whole new group of skateboarders who love what is thought to be emo. i think. anyway hes pretty dull whenever ive been around him, hes not particularly good/interesting looking, and hes the kind of guy who dates heather waltz, the antithesis of the girls in question.

would this if put into your own terms, cause you to fear a premature end of the universe? i think so.

1. listen to slint more
2. how to i get rid of a double chin
3. there is no three but i have something to say at some point.

au revoir

Home, Things

im home from vacation, alive and kicking, but still deathly afraid of airplanes. i'll tell you what they could drop out of the goddamn sky any second.
the cruise was interesting; included/witnessed
  • Decadence
  • Tourism
  • Tourists
  • Europeans, French Canadians
  • Sleezebags
  • The first time i saw the sluttiness of a certain relative firsthand
  • Meeting exactly one good friend, her sister and friend, and two British ones
  • The incredible stories of cousins Tyler and Matt's teenagedom. Oh man, if only.
  • One night of several contemplations of my own existence
  • Tom Green nostalgia
  • Rediscovery of Nick Hornby
and oh so much more i'd love to include here. teens are so goddamn decadent these days, i don't like my generation much. everyone is in such a hurry. let's indulge in substances and try to fall in "love" and get with as many people as possible. i think we're growing up too fast. i picked up y'all from a texan who turned out to be sleazy, but his brother and cousin are the men. met another good allison friend (baltimore), walked around alot. i would not reccomend a cruise. i have more points to make at another date, goodnight.