Monday, November 05, 2007

Monday Fucking Evening

Aw, i love these two. Carrie Brownstein used to be in Sleater-Kinney. She was the one whose vocals weren't described as fever pitch. Fred Armisen has been the best cast member of SNL since Tina Fey (a.k.a. ain't another woman gonna take yo place my love.) I love Tina Fey. She's hot. Anyway, they have one episode of this internet show I think they're planning to do more of posted. It's called Thunderant.

Anecdotal intermission: My dog, Dillon, has lots of gray in his face so everyone thinks he's older than my other dog, Lucky, who doesn't have gray anywhere, but in reality Lucky is Dillon's senior. I love my two dogs very much and i feel like i don't say that to them or anyone else enough. Hopefully, Dillon will still be fun and curious enough to move with me to the big city in a few years time.

So, speaking of Fred Armisen, he has this really funny satirical instructional drum video out now on Drag City. Here's the trailer:

I love deadpan.

I still haven't applied to any colleges yet.
I think the time change to whatever the fuck it's called (not daylight saving) is so unnatural. I'm so used to the darkness that lingers at six o'clock in the morning. I've come to love it. It eases me into my day. I like to see the sun rise as Christian drives us across state lines, into the godforsaken hellhole that is the first state and the concrete pit that is our school. Now, as soon as I open my eyes, I'm thrown to the wolves of today. That's fucked up. You know what else is fucked up? It's actually 9:32 post meridian right now. But we've told our clocks otherwise.

In other news, I still love being alive but that might change come January. I fucking hate the winter! the only winter days I like are as such: very cloudy and dark all day, no sunlight at all, steady snowfall, not biting cold and absolutely no wind. But it's too early to be complaining about the reflection of mother sunshine's rays off of God's white wrath. So here's what's hot:
1. The Virgin Suicides, a really good book
2. New headphones
3. Stealth
4. Not having interest in the opposite sex or any sex at all for that matter
5. Keeping to myself and loving the company of others

p.s. not that i'm hungry for attention or acceptance, but i do like feedback and want people to leave comments. you dont have to be a blogger member to comment, just do it anonymously. or start a blog yourself and talk shit on my blog and we can have teenage blog wars!


Alex said...

blogs: serious business

word to what you said about winter. the worst is when it's sunny outside and there's snow on the ground. That kind of weather really aggrivates me for some reason.

Anonymous said...

i like ginger, i mean i love ginger of course but i also only like her. haha, that video is really funny
also my brother saw Tina Fey in Boston one time, he saw Jimmy Fallon too(:$)

oh yeah, its anna

p.s i heard it might snow friday ..