Thursday, November 22, 2007


is awesome, i'm thankful for it. i'm thankful for my hearing, the fact that i even exist and can type this to whoever is reading it, thankful for good music, blogs, mechanical pencils, the green movement, my main man barack obama, my family (everyone.,) my friends (all of them.,) relationships and friendships even those gone sour, ice cream, taste buds, cooking, heat, crinkly leaves, seatbelts, the color green, cotton, wes anderson, DFA records and james murphy, mashed potatoes, living in the first world (but i feel for those in the third.,) and you if you took the time to read this! i'm also thankful for the delicious thanksgiving eve dinner i had with my friends kelly g, robert ohman, allison berger, anna morris, caitlin krause, kit ramsey, special guest lyndsay baltus and my sister mimi! it was really fun.

have an awesome thanksgiving, nuke a gay turkey for christ, just kidding, but eat a lot of food.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am also thankful for ice cream, taste buds, wes anderson, blogs, good music, hearing, crinkly leaves, life in general

awesome time singing the rocket summer with you (lol)and dancing!

<3, anna!