Friday, November 09, 2007


Yesterday was Thursday, a day of the week that has developed its own way. What do I mean?

Usually, Thursday morning, I fight my alarm clock. It goes off at five after six (in its own language, but in reality it's 5:45,) I stagger to shut it the fuck up, which it does at the behest of the sleep button. Then, nine minutes later, we do the same thing. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays it ends there. Thursdays, I press the sleep button two-three more times until I turn off my alarm altogether. At around 6:40, my sister comes in and says something along the lines of "Get the fuck up, its 6:40!" Realizing my fault, I jump up and search for clean clothes. I brush my teeth. It's now like, 6:50, and Christian is anxiously waiting in his drop top. He might be late for exchange (!). I pop my head out the front door to let him know everything will be OK, my pointer finger towards my roof indicating I will be out in approximately one minute's time. I run to the back room, where the shoes reside, and grab my bucs, look sadly at my French press, grab my bag and dash out the glass gateway, across the frosted lawn (barefoot) and into his car. I haven't looked in the mirror all morning. I haven't said a word to anyone all morning except a groggy goodbye I love you to sleeping mom.

In the car, I'm unusually silent. It's a lack of caffine. I'm serious! I have a dependance on the black elixir of life and I love it. My mouth just kind of hangs open, thirsty and confrontational. Hopefully NPR is on but sometimes It's hardcore or techno which is fine most days but Thursday is different. Christian and I have awesome, exciting, fun laugh out loud conversations, but not Thursday. Thursday is different. When we get to school, he gets out right away, grabs his bag from the trunk and comes over to my side of the two-seater and knocks. I say "Hey I'm going to sit for one second." Kindly, he offers to let me stay until first period but I decline. I need the shitty, bleach tainted water from the machine in the cafeteria. It's all I have!

We walk in, me untucked and Christian impeccable. We take our time. It's like, 7:10. Thursdays, I take more time at my locker and have use the window of Mr. Cleary's classroom door to tie my tie. Christian waits for me like a good friend. Kindly. I'm ready and we walk downstairs, say hi to the janitor (the blond one with the hat,) into the shit center. The caf. Thursdays, I spend most of my hour+ before school reading and taking a shit. Sometimes I chat it up with Mr. Naccarato if my mind has caught up with the rest of the world.

Classes go by really slowly, especially since I sleep through most of them. It feels like sleep adds another four hours to the school day.

I ride home, in miserable anticipation of work. I can't believe I have to work!

Work goes, like all things on Thursday, slow slow slow slow slow slow slow. Are there more customers on Thursdays?

After work I don't do homework but I read until must see TV. In my PJs. Last night, in my mom's bed where I proceeded to watch 30 Rock and The Office. I fell asleep during the latter, around 9:10. When my mom goes away on trips sometimes, I spend time in her bed. Haha, I miss her then.

Another, more awesome update about how cool Fridays are (until work!) later on. Woop!


Anonymous said...

i was going to correct you on what i thought was a spelling error, but then i looked up "blond" on wikipedia and wikipedia gave me the answer. "blond" is the masculine term while "blonde" is the feminine. so in this particular case, you are correct! case closed!

Anonymous said...

i love that you love your mom